Business for the Arts of Broward is a not-for-profit organization that educates the business community about the importance of Broward County’s art and cultural community and engages them in building connections between cultural vitality, creative success, and economic development.

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Scary Monsters

“Notice your inner critic for the silly little monster it is, before it becomes big and scary.” 

Participants are led through a simple painting exercise. No art experience is needed. As participants enter the room, and while they are painting, they tend to criticize themselves and their abilities. Unaware of what they are painting until the work is almost complete, they will see they have painted a silly colorful monster. The silly monster represents the negative self talk we rarely notice we speak each day. Positive words that affirm how silly this monster actually is are written on the back of the painting.

Negative self-talk can affect us in some pretty damaging ways, causing higher levels of stress and lower self-esteem. This can lead to depression and lack of motivation, making it almost impossible to reach the goals we’ve set for ourselves. 

Recognizing the silly little monster is the first step to fixing it.  This workshop takes a serious topic and puts a fun spin on it allowing participants to open up and share their experiences while they reflect on their own inner dialogue. 

Many participants keep their monsters on their desks, or in their bathrooms to remind them they are not the things that silly monster says, and reinforce the positive affirmations written on the back of their paintings.

Your Instructor

Lori Pratico

Self taught artist Lori Pratico began painting billboards in Philadelphia at the age of eighteen. When she was twenty-one she started her first for profit business in the creative industry, and has remained a working artist for over twenty-five years.

Highlights of her career have been YoYo Ma visiting her studio, painting live in Chicago, Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Philadelphia, creating over 100 murals throughout the country, and her work being featured on a Hoffman’s chocolate bar wrapper.

As founder of the non profit Girl Noticed, Inc. Lori’s work has a passionate sense of urgency, and asks the viewer to not only be moved but be part of the movement. Lori is a published author and speaker and has defied the odds by breaking the barriers that society placed in front of her as a female, and as an artist.

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